Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nicole Li

Chapter 33B

In her furred traveling-dress, Estella seemed more delicately beautiful than she had ever seemed yet, even in my eyes. Her manner was more winning than she had cared to let it be to me before, and I thought I saw Miss Havisham's influence in the change. We stood in the Inn Yard while she pointed out her luggage to me, and when it was all collected I remembered - having forgotten everything but herself in the meanwhile - that I knew nothing of her destination. I could not help but look away from her as I noticed a short dame approach us. She had her suitcase at her side as well and I could hear the movements of the shuffling action occurring inside her traveling case. She was not beautiful but her presence embossed a striking impression. She was not tall and had a glossy black mane of long hair. In my opinion, she looked about our age. Her dress manner was rather peculiar, she wore ruffles on her neck and I could tell she did not like the idea of wearing shoes, even in such a public area! She emitted an odd appeal to her, and I immediately pictured her as a harlequin, dressed in black and white. She was profoundly eccentric. She paced towards Estella and I, her steps fast and brisk, then I noticed her familiar long fluttering eyelashes.

Subconsciously entranced, I said ‘hello’. She stared at me, smiled, and nodded. ‘Hello’, I repeated again. She did not acknowledge me a second time, but rather looked at Estella and beamed a smile, recognizing her pearly whites that looked quite uniformly. I looked at Estella, then the girl. Then everything became clear. They possessed the same brilliant deep blue eyes, the same dancing and lengthy lashes, and the identical glowing ivory teeth.

“Pleased to meet you, I’m Mettle Longworth”, she uttered in a serene voice, a smile broadening on her small precious face.

Monday, November 23, 2009

from the point of view of pip. Caricature by William Tang.

It has been quite some time since i have last been to this place. There i stood, at the gates of the house where i first met Estella. I slowly walked up to the door and knocked three times. The door opened and I was greeted by a stranger. His stature was neither short nor was it average. He was dressed like lavishly and had an air of dominance much reminiscent of Mr. Jaggers. His puzzled look urged me to explain myself. "I'm here to see Ms. Havisham." Then the man turned and called out to not Ms. Havisham, but Estella.
"Estella, a young man is here to see Ms. Havisham, what should i tell him?"
A few moments later Estella was standing at the threshold of the door. "Oh, it's you" she said. "Ms. Havisham is dead. This house now belongs to me and my husband here."
The man spoke, "Hello, the name is Jarvis".
I stood there, shocked and lost for words.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Group D Class in Victorian Society

Group Members:
Jennie G.
Christie L.
Nicole L.
William T.

- Parts 1 and 2

- victorian era, sciences and popular literature dominated the attitudes of the general public.
- Scientists and writers derived the idea of assigning similar stereotypical characteristics to the Irish, Blacks and peasants.
- The were considered unreasonable, iratiotional and childlike.
- Britain in the Victorian era was obsessed with social class, only the upper class could afford education.
- On average, income of aristocrat would be approximately 30 000 pounds and average income of typical soldier would be 25 pounds
-Parts 3
- children from the upper class educated by governess
- women 'married up' to gain money and titles. Important because inheritence the received after the death of their father was usually small
- parties and dancing amongst upper classes were what they did in leisure time
- upper class women had a lot of free time, women in other classes had to help out with family business.
Parts 4
- In a victorian society the different social classes were determined by inequalities in power, authority, wealth, working and living conditions, life-styles, life-span, education, religion and culture.
- the working class, middle class and upper class were in widespread usage. Those who lived in povery, the under class were referred to as the sunken people
- the upper class maintained control over the political system, depriving the working class and middle class of influence in political process. The working class became hostile to the aristocracy as well as the middle class
Part 5
-Britain had a relatively good economic condition in the Victorian era but this wealth was divided unequally
- Britain produced a third of the world's coal and owned about one third of the world's total manufactures.
- Industrial revolution spurred on a huge population growth which produced a lot of unskilled workers and kept wages at a bare minimum.
- produced a large social class known as the working class. These people lived in relatively poor conditions

( - Victorian Era)
( - Economic Contexts)